Global Admin: Admin guides
Check in Calendar all sessions and video conference events from the LMS Pack as a calendar. The calendar allows different views: month, week, day, schedule to help you organize your training. The calendar allows select the different events for trainers or students.
Website look & feel "Appearance"
From the "Appearance" tab, we can change the appearance of the Global Admin screens by changing the configuration of their elements. We can see in real time how the appearance of the dashboard, the login screen and the notifications change, as we implement the changes. General From the "General" tab, we can set the theme that we want to apply to the dashboard: Display. It is the default configuration. Classic. This option allows customising the page with an HTML editor (multilingual). In addition, it is possible to make several versions of the same HTML, each of them corresponding to a different language. Logotypes From this tab, we can change the logotypes of the login screen, also of the dashboard and of the notifications. To add a logo to one of these screens: Click on "Select image" in the corresponding section ("Main logotype" (dashboard), "Secondary logotype" (login screen) and "Notification logotype" (e-mail notifications)). In the new window, select a picture from your computer, or drag it into the box. Save your changes by clicking on "Save" and the selected logotype will be displayed on the corresponding screen. Colours From the "Colours" tab, we can add a default colour for the texts and for the header of the login screen or of the dashboard. Background image To change the background image of the dashboard or of the login screen: Click on "Select image". In the new window, select a picture from your computer, or drag it into the box. To save your changes, click on "Save". Finally, to apply all changes, press "Save".
App look & feel
In the section Version app appearance it is possible to configure the appearance of CloudMobile. From the colors section you can enter the color code of the texts. From background image insert a background image for the user's information from the context menu.
Using Global Admin, the administrator can increase the security of the platform with a password policy, specifying one or more rules that the user's password must follow. To see the available options and set them up, access the Configuration tool, and in the menu on the left click on the Advanced settings section.. It displays a set of rules that can be activated by checking the flag on the left. The options are: Minimum number of characters in the password: this is a mandatory setting. Enter the number in the box, which must be greater than zero Set advanced configuration: if you want to specify other rules, activate this checkbox, which displays a set of options: Minimum number of uppercase characters that the password must have. Minimum number of lowercase characters. Minimum number of special characters, for example: ! & $ % / () _ # + Minimum number of digits (numbers) the password must contain Minimum number of digits or special characters that must appear in the first marked characters. Do not use common or easy to guess words, a check is made on a blacklist of not allowed passwords (1234, abcde...). If the user changes the password, either because he wants to or because it has expired, it cannot be the same as the one he had before. The reCAPTCHA checking system is activated after a certain number of unsuccessful login attempts. Password expiration, number of days after which the user is required to renew the password. If enabled, when the password expires the user is redirected to the password change page informing him that his password has expired and must be changed. For other questions about the password policy, check this FAQ article.
IP restriction
To restrict IP access to the platform: Access Advanced Settings under Configuration in Global Admin and click on the IP Restrictions tab. Click on Create IP address. Enter the IP address or range of IP addresses for which you want to allow access and click on Create. If needed, you can enter multiple IP addresses or multiple IP ranges. Enable IP address restriction switching the button to the ON position. From that moment, access to Global Admin will be only possible from the specified IP addresses. Whitelist users Once the IP restriction is enabled, you can include some users within a whitelist and the IP restriction shall not apply to these users. Click on Add users to select the users to include in this whitelist.
Google Analytics setup
The optional Google Analytics application allows for Netex Cloud to be integrated with Google web analytics. Follow these steps to get started: In Global Admin, go to the Google Analytics section under Settings and enable the option. Sign in with the Google ID that has your Google Analytics account configured. Select the data from Google Analytics, Account, Property and View with which would like to manage the Netex Cloud web analytics information. Save the settings. Add the Google Analytics user role to those users who will view Google Analytics data from Netex Cloud. To do this, go to the Users section in Configuration for Global Admin.
Viewing Information in Google Analytics
You can view a great deal of information about user activity in Global Admin with the Google Analytics application. You can view the number of users that connect each day throughout a timeframe. You can also view the percent of sessions according to device and operating system. And also the ranking of the most viewed pages. If you would like to delve more deeply into the data, you can access your Google Analytics profile and view additional information about user activity. Processing data latency is 24-48 hours in Google Analytics. See more information in this link.
User groups
From the "Groups" tab, we access to the list of groups in Global Admin and perform multiple actions. Create Groups We can create a new group by clicking on "New group". We will complete the group data and the group roles for each platform included in Global Admin: Is an organization: (Multi-organization customer only) Enables the group to be considered as an organization on the client. Name: The name of the group. Description: Descriptive text of the group. External ID: The unique identifier of the group. Image: Formats: jpg, png or gif. Recommended minimum dimensions : 150x150 pixels. Roles: Members of this group, as well as their subgroups, will receive these roles. Navigate the group tree Once you have different groups and subgroups created, you can explore them by navigating the group tree quickly and comfortably. Group search If we have numerous groups and subgroups created, we can use the search box to find them easily. To do this, we only have to enter in the search box the name of the group or subgroup that we want to locate. The groups listed are those that contain the words indicated in your name or description. Users associated with a group If you want to check which users are associated with a group, you only have to access the group in question through the group navigation tree or the group search, and after selecting it, you can view the members that make up it: Also from the groups/subgroups view there is a field in the table that indicates the total number of users that exist in that group/subgroup. This value indicates the total number of users in that group, including those in the subgroup. However, if a user is included in both the parent group and the child group, it will only be counted once. For example: Group -> 3 users Users in groups Group (parent) -> User1 Child group -> User1, User2 Child group2 -> User3,User1 So the parent group will have 3 users, even though User1 is in several groups. Add users to a groups You can add or exclude users from a group through the interface menu or by importing a CSV file. To add a new user from the interface, simply select the group, go to the "Users" tab and press "Add Users": Remove users from a group To exclude users from a group through the interface menu, just use the navigation tree to access the group, select the users you want to remove and click on "Exclude": Searches for users associated with a group If we want to locate a user within a group, we just need to access the group and use the search text box: We can also perform advanced searches by first and last name, username, email, filter by active users or by assigned roles. To do this, simply click on the "Filters" option to the right of the search box: Group detail information To access the group detail information, simply select the group from the navigation tree and click on the "Details" tab: Create Subgroup To create a subgroup, access the group from the navigation tree and go to the "Subgroups" tab. Customize the Look & Feel for group members To customize the Look & Feel of Netex Cloud for members of a group or subgroup, go to the "Change Appearance" tab: From the change of appearance menu, you can change the logos, the background image, the colors of the texts or add a custom home page that will be displayed only for the members that you have added to this group or subgroup, and their descendants. Note that if a user belongs to one group and one subgroup at a time, its appearance will be determined by the appearance settings of the subgroup with the highest depth level. If you have not configured any custom appearances in the subgroup, you inherit it from the parent group. Rules to automatically assign user to groups You can configure user groups in Global Admin to automatically add users who meet certain conditions. To do this, go to the "Assignment Rules" tab. On the next screen, configure the conditions that the user must meet to be added to the group, for example, that the Department field is "Accounting", that its Location is "Oleiros" or "Madrid", etc. HELP -Remember- For the rule to be true, the field in the user must have a value. Ex: If we create a rule like "Field" is not equal to "Value", if the field in the user is empty, this rule will not be processed for this user. From now on, when a user is created or updated, by the multiple channels available (form, CSV, Web Service, LDAP synchronization, "just-in-time" update by SAML), if the user meets the conditions you have indicated, it will automatically be added to this group. You can ask the platform to add users who are already registered and who meet the conditions to the group. You can do this by clicking on the "Run Rules" button. Delete a group To delete an already created group, access the group from the navigation tree, display the group options menu, and choose the "Delete Group" option. You must confirm the permanent deletion of the group: When you delete a group, the subgroups will be also deleted. Besides this, the group members will no longer have the roles and the customized "Look & Feel" associated with the group.
User extended fields
Highlights include New attributes can be configured for users, such as "employee number", "department", "position", etc. Values can be assigned to users in these new attributes, per screen, CSV, but also per Web Services, LDAP synchronization, and using SAML authentication. These changes are also reflected in the other modules contracted. Description These extensible fields allow us to associate new information to the users, adapting the available information to our organization´s needs. To create extensible fields we have to go to the tab "Adv. Settings" and then access to"Extended Fields" in Global Admin, we can see here the created extended fields and we can also create groups with new extended fields, edit or delete them. Create extended fields With the button "create field" we can add a new extended field to the user. It appears a new window with a form like this one below: In this form we will introduce the necessary information to create a new extensible field. Name: This is the name of the field in an administrator view when entering a new user or editing a user's information. Description: Information provided by the extensible field. Type: Type of information that stores the extensible fields. Like: Text Integer List of values, allows us to restrict the values to a given list. Yes/No Date In this example we create the field DEPARTMENT text type. Once it is the information introduced we click on "Create". Remember "Cancel" if you change your mind and finally don´t want to create it. Once created, it will appear in the list of created extensible fields. From this moment on, if we create a new user or edit an existing one, it will be possible to add the corresponding information to the extensible field. See section Using extensible fields, below. Edit extended fields To edit extensible fields, simply select the field you wish to edit and press the edit button. Remember that you cannot edit more than one field at a time. Let's edit the DEPARTMENT field. The information corresponding to this field is displayed. Note: As the message indicates, if there are users, whose extensible field we are going to edit, with values not compatible with the new definition, those values will be deleted. We are going to change the field type to a List of values type and add departments: It Department, Backoffice.. Click on Save. We see that the information in the list is updated. Delete Extensible Fields To delete extensible fields, select them from the list and press the Delete button. Remember that you can delete several extensible fields at once. When deleting extensible fields we are asked for confirmation. In addition, we are warned that such deletion is irreversible and that the values given to users for such fields will be deleted and cannot be retrieved. As always, we can either Confirm the action or Cancel it, in case we change our mind. In this case we are going to cancel. Use extended fields Extensible fields allow us to assign values to users using the user interface (on screen), using CSV file (in user imports), through Web Services, using LDAP synchronization and SAML. Let's see an example using the user interface. In the next screen we see that a user has a field DEPARTMENT (empty since the user already existed). and we can edit: Finally, the changes we make in the extensible fields are also reflected in the rest of the modules contracted. Summary These extensible fields allow us to associate new information to the users, adapting the available information to our organization´s needs.
Integration with external applications through Zapier
Zapier simplifies the integration and automation of hundreds of applications. You can use it to connect to dozens of tools: Spreadsheets, HubSpot, Salesforce, Asana, Mailchimp and so on without having to write a single line of code. It allows you to automate tasks such as: Register users in Global Admin, from the data I update in a spreadsheet that I have in my Google Drive. Enroll a student in a specific course, training plan, or sprint, based on the data I update in an Excel spreadsheet that I have hosted in OneDrive. When a user is signed up to SalesForce with the "salesperson" role, they are automatically created in Global Admin, enrolled in 3 courses related to "sales", and a task is added to my Trello dashboard with the title "Review new user training". When a user buys the license of a course in my e-commerce set up with Shopify, a user is created in Global Admin, is enrolled in that course and sends me a private message by Slack. ... and much more. You can obtain more information about the applications with which it is possible to integrate, in this link: Integrations available in Zapier.