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User extended fields

Modified on: Fri, 21 Feb 2025 1:51 PM

Highlights include

  • New attributes can be configured for users, such as "employee number", "department", "position", etc.
  • Values can be assigned to users in these new attributes, per screen, CSV, but also per Web Services, LDAP synchronization, and using SAML authentication.
  • These changes are also reflected in the other modules contracted.


These extensible fields allow us to associate new information to the users, adapting the available information to our organization´s needs.

 To create extensible fields we have to go to the tab "Adv. Settings" and then access to"Extended Fields" in Global Admin, we can see here the created extended fields and we can also create groups with new extended fields, edit or delete them. 

Create extended fields

With the button "create field"  we can add a new extended field to the user. It appears a new window with a form like this one below:

In this form we will introduce the necessary information to create a new extensible field.

Name: This is the name of the field in an administrator view when entering a new user or editing a user's information. 

Description: Information provided by the extensible field. 

Type: Type of information that stores the extensible fields. Like: 

  • Text
  • Integer
  • List of values, allows us to restrict the values to a given list.
  • Yes/No
  • Date

In this example we create the field  DEPARTMENT text type.

Once it is the information introduced we click on "Create". Remember "Cancel" if you change your mind and finally don´t want to create it.

Once created, it will appear in the list of created extensible fields.

From this moment on, if we create a new user or edit an existing one, it will be possible to add the corresponding information to the extensible field. See section Using extensible fields, below.

Edit extended fields

To edit extensible fields, simply select the field you wish to edit and press the edit button. Remember that you cannot edit more than one field at a time.

Let's edit the DEPARTMENT field.

The information corresponding to this field is displayed.

Note: As the message indicates, if there are users, whose extensible field we are going to edit, with values not compatible with the new definition, those values will be deleted.

We are going to change the field type to a List of values type and add departments: It Department, Backoffice..

Click on Save.

We see that the information in the list is updated.

Delete Extensible Fields

To delete extensible fields, select them from the list and press the Delete button. Remember that you can delete several extensible fields at once.

When deleting extensible fields we are asked for confirmation. In addition, we are warned that such deletion is irreversible and that the values given to users for such fields will be deleted and cannot be retrieved.

As always, we can either Confirm the action or Cancel it, in case we change our mind. In this case we are going to cancel.

Use extended fields

Extensible fields allow us to assign values to users using the user interface (on screen), using CSV file (in user imports), through Web Services, using LDAP synchronization and SAML.

Let's see an example using the user interface. In the next screen we see that a user has a field DEPARTMENT (empty since the user already existed).

and we can edit:

Finally, the changes we make in the extensible fields are also reflected in the rest of the modules contracted.


These extensible fields allow us to associate new information to the users, adapting the available information to our organization´s needs.

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