Global Admin: Admin guides
Click the icon to access the "Configuration" screen. From this screen we can manage users in Netex Cloud and the appearance of the platform, as well as announcements and polls that will be displayed to users. Click on the button to hide or show the side menu. This way you can have greater visibility of the content on each screen.
Main elements
In this section you will learn how to navigate by Global Admin and meet its key elements: Control panel From the control panel you can access the various applications contained in Global Admin. When the control panel consists of more than one screen, you can move by clicking button to access the rest of icons. Also we can move by clicking on the buttons at the bottom of the screen. The number of buttons depends on the number of existing screens. User menu From the Netex Cloud control panel you can access the user menu. By clicking on the icon located in the top right of the screen, you can access: "Your account". By selecting this option you can access your account details. "Notifications". Netex Cloud notification system. "Actualidad". Latest news of interest. "Out of Netex Cloud". Clicking on this option you can log in Netex Cloud. The user menu varies in appearance and functions depending on the platform on which the user is: The "News" tab Users can access the "News" section by selecting the tab on the left side of the control panel. From this tab, the user not only accesses the latest news, but can also participate in polls responding to surveys.
From the "Users"tab, we will consult the full list of users at Global Admin and they can be perform multiple actions. Create users From the drop-down menu new user, clicking in create user can create a new user. We will complete the user data and the roles for each of the platforms included in Global Admin (LMS, Author or external Apps). See the following import section to see how to perform a bulk import of users via a CSV file. Export users Export press to generate a CSV file with data from the selected users. Other options By clicking on the moredrop-down menu, we can enable or disable users, as well as send a welcome email. To do this, we have to select from the list the user that want to apply any of these actions. Search for users In this section, a search engine is available to more easily locate users. If you want to perform an advanced search, select the icon to access a new screen where you can perform a more detailed search. See the details of the user Click on a user name to view its details. From the screen details, you can perform the following actions. Edit the user's data. Enable / disable user. Change password Netex Cloud of the user access. Send welcome email to the user. To delete a user is must first disable the user. In the inactive users, when accessing the student tab, the delete button will be shown. The delete action is irreversible and is propagated in all apps that the user has access.
Global Admin allows us to create announcements to keep users abreast of the latest news. What we can do from this tab? Create an announcement Edit an announcement Publish, depublish and delete an announcement Create an announcement To create an announcement: Go to the "Announcements" tab. Click on "Create Announcement". Fill in the fields in the new window (fields marked with an asterisk are required): Title. Announcement headline. Summary. Short announcement description. Content. Announcement body. Image. Select an image for the announcement from your computer or drag it into the box. Status. Select "ON" so that the announcement is displayed as highlighted, otherwise, select "OFF". Published. Select "ON" to publish the announcement. When you do it, "Initial visible date" and "End visible date" will be enabled, so you can set the period of visibility for your announcement. If you do not want the announcement to be visible, select "OFF". Press "Create". Edit announcement These are the steps to edit an announcement: Go to the "Announcements" tab. From the announcements list, click on the announcement title you want to edit. On the screen "Details", click on "Edit". Make the appropriate changes and press "Save". Publish, depublish and delete announcements We can access these actions in two ways: From the screen "Announcements". From announcement "Details" (by clicking on the title of an announcement in the list). Actions are: "Publish". This action allows an announcement to be published. The announcement will be visible to users. "Depublish". This action allows an announcement to be depublished. The announcement will not be longer visible to users. "Delete". This option allows you to delete an announcement. If you want to massively publish, depublish or delete announcements, then select in the screen "Announcements" those on which you want to apply any changes. Once selected, click on one of the actions.
From this tab we can: Create a poll Consult a poll Publish, depublish and delete a poll Create a poll To create a poll: Go to "Polls". Click on "Create poll". Fill in the fields in the new window (fields marked with an asterisk are required): Title. Poll title. Question. Question posed to the user. Options. Answer options. Since surveys must have at least two options, two associated fields appear under "Options"("Option 1" and "Option 2"); these options can not be removed. You can add as many answer options as you wish by clicking "Add option", you can also delete them by clicking "Delete". Status. Choose "ON" to publish the poll. When you do it, "Initial visible date" and "End visible date" will be enabled so you can set the period of visibility for your announcement. If you do not want the poll to be visible, select "OFF". 4. Press "Create". Consult a poll To view the details of a poll, follow these steps: Go to the "Polls" tab. From the polls list, click on the one you want to see. Once in the poll "Details" screen, you will see the following information: Detail Description Basic information Whether the survey is "Published" or not "Initial visible date" and "End visible date" for this poll. Whether the poll is "Visible" or not. The number of users taking part in the survey ("Number of votes"). Audit information Poll "Creation date" "Username" of the user who created the poll ("Creation user"). Last date on which the survey was modified ("Last modification date"). "Username" of the user who made the last modification on the poll ("Last modification user"). Graph In this detail we can see the question and the options for the survey. Each option will be assigned a Colour which will correspond to its representation in the graph as percentages of a total. Publish, depublish and delete a poll We can access these actions in two ways: From the screen "Polls". From the announcement "Details"(by clicking on a poll from the list) The actions are: "Publish". This action allows you publishing a poll. The poll will be visible to users. "Depublish". This action allows depublishing a poll. The poll will not be visible to users. "Delete". This option allows a poll being deleted. If you want massively publish, un-publish or delete polls, select from the screen "Polls" all those on which you want to apply any changes. Once selected, click on one of the actions. Answering a poll To answer a published survey, click on the "Current events" tab on the left in the Home page. After clicking on "Current events" you will be able to see the Poll and answer it.
Current events
By clicking on the Current events tab on the left side of the screen on the Home page, you can see recent Announcements. Also, the dashboard has a direct access to the Announcements module. In Announcements you can check the published Announcements, order them by Title / Summary and also make a search.
Notifications is the tool available to administrators to send communications to users. It is a service that allows to create warnings or messages of any type through a simple text editor, which also allows you to attach images, hyperlinks... and even HTML formatting. User receives the new notification alert in their profile and access it from the Home screen or directly from his profile icon. It is important to note that: Notifications are one-way only, that is, although the user can see the sender's name, he cannot reply directly. Only users with administrator role can create Notifications, as it is necessary to access the Global Admin Configuration tool. These notifications are independent of LMS Notifications, which are generated automatically. Create and send a Notification To create a new notification, access the Global Admin Configuration tool from the home screen. In the menu on the left select the Notifications section, and you will see a list of the notifications already created, with several columns of information about them: Title, heading of the message. Creation date. Created by, nickname of the user who created it. E-mail, if the notification also involves sending an email alert to the recipients. Status, if the notification has already been Sent, or is only in Draft waiting to be sent. At the top there are three action buttons: + Create notification, to access the editor. Delete, to delete a created notification, mark the flag next to the title and click this button. Search, to search in the list, enter keywords here. Sending notifications is irreversible. Even if you delete a notification already sent, it still appears in the user's inbox. To create a new notification click on the + Create notification button and access the editor. Title, enter the header of the message here. Content, in this box you can edit the message body itself. There are several formatting options in the top buttons: font type, paragraphs, add images, hyperlinks, tables... and even edit the message in HTML format. Send by mail, if you activate this flag all recipients will receive, in addition to the notification, an email alert with the link to the message in the instance. The sender is an automated account with no reply. Recipients, here you can select the users to whom the notification will be addressed. Click on the button + Add to access a new screen with the list of all the users of the instance. At the top there is a Search box and a Filters tool to find the users you are looking for. Mark the flag next to its name, and in the lower right corner click the + Add button. You will return to the editor screen, at the bottom there is a list of all the notification recipients. To delete them, click on the X next to each name, or click on the Delete all button to delete the entire list. Save draft, click on this button to exit the editor without sending the notification. It will be saved as a draft and displayed in the list (Status: In draft). Click on it to access it again and finish editing it. Send notification to send the message to the users. Remember that this action is irreversible. Once sent, a notification cannot be edited (the user has already received it), nor can it be duplicated to send it again. View and manage notifications To view the notifications you have received, go back to the home screen and click on the Notifications tool. You can also access it from anywhere in the instance by clicking on your profile picture and selecting it from the drop-down menu. You will access the inbox, where all the notifications you have received are displayed. The ones you have not read are marked in bold. You can see the following options: When you have pending notifications, a warning will appear on the profile picture, with the number of messages you have received. If you select one or more notifications with the flags on the left, the options at the top are activated: Mark as read, without the need to view it. Mark as unread, to reset the notification. Delete to delete the notification from the inbox. This action is irreversible. In the list of notifications you can see information about them: From, nickname of the user who sent the notification. Subject, the header. Date, when it was created. Clicking on any of the notifications you can access the content and information about it. The notification is automatically marked as read, and you can delete it directly by clicking on the button at the top. If the user has activated the LMS Pack (Central), he will see two tabs at the top of the inbox: Internal notifications, corresponds to Global Admin notifications. Your training, corresponds to the LMS Pack notifications.
Look through the entire available apps catalogue from APPS, located in Configuration. In this section you will find all about the APP, its description, which is its use and which roles does it have for its use. Measuring Usage In Measuring Usage area, it is possible to display a graph with the monthly maximum number of active users in the platform.
In the import section, you can import and update users from a CSV file. In addition to viewing a list of users, you can also view the history of user updates completed from CSV files. Importing Users This option allows you to import a CSV file to create and update Global Admin users. Step 1. After clicking the button to Import Users, the Import Wizard screen is displayed. You can download a blank CSV template or export a CSV list of users. This will be used to create the CSV file to import. Then drag or select the file to import and click Continue. The welcomeMail field allows to send a welcome mail to the imported users. See Appendix A.2. for the CSV import format and what each field represents. Step 2. The wizard will validate the CSV file and generate a list of all errors found. The type of separator and CSV file encoding can be corrected if the wizard does not correctly interpret the values. Once the file has been validated, click Begin Syncto import. Step 3. After the sync process begins, the data included in the CSV file (additions and modifications to users) will be distributed to different Netex Cloud applications. You can click Continue Running Process if you would prefer for the process to continue in the background as you carry out other activities. Once the process is finished (which can take several minutes depending on the volume of data), the results of the sync process can be viewed. Update users in Pack LMS Once users have been created in Global Admin, you will be able to update them in Pack LMS. Thus, you will be able to add the additional information, specific of each formal training application. For example, you can introduce information of the company (Position, Department, Company) or Pack LMS extensible fields. Access to Pack LMS administration, select “Users”> “Export” for obtaining a template for the updating: Once the template is downloaded, you will see all the users registered in Pack LMS. In the Excel, you should delete those users you do not want to update and fill or modify. Whith the updated Excel, we should take the following steps: Go to the Users option in Pack LMS. Select Update users. Add the Excel file we have created and click on Update users A notification with the result will arrive. In case an error occurs, it will be indicated both the error line and type.
External Apps
Global Admin allows you to include external apps. These apps should be LTI Providers. From the External Apps within the configurationsection, you can configure for each app the LTI parameters, including the available user roles. You can have as many external apps LTI as you want, managing them autonomously. It will also be possible to give permissions to users in external apps simply by assigning or removing roles. End users with access (any assigned role) to these apps, will see new boxes in your dashboard and its cloud App menu. Add an APP To add an app just click on the button create external app and complete LTI values required for integration and possible user roles.