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Modified on: Tue, 27 Jun 2023 3:23 PM

From this tab we can:

  • Create a poll
  • Consult a poll
  • Publish, depublish and delete a poll

Create a poll

To create a poll:

  1. Go to "Polls".
  2. Click on "Create poll".
  3. Fill in the fields in the new window (fields marked with an asterisk are required):
    1. Title. Poll title.
    2. Question. Question posed to the user.
    3. Options. Answer options. Since surveys must have at least two options, two associated fields appear under "Options"("Option 1" and "Option 2"); these options can not be removed. You can add as many answer options as you wish by clicking "Add option", you can also delete them by clicking "Delete".
    4. StatusChoose "ON" to publish the poll. When you do it, "Initial visible date" and "End visible date" will be enabled so you can set the period of visibility for your announcement. If you do not want the poll to be visible, select "OFF".

4. Press "Create".

Consult a poll

To view the details of a poll, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the "Polls" tab.
  2. From the polls list, click on the one you want to see.
  3. Once in the poll "Details" screen, you will see the following information:

Detail Description
Basic information
  • Whether the survey is "Published" or not
  • "Initial visible date" and "End visible date" for this poll.
  • Whether the poll is "Visible" or not.
  • The number of users taking part in the survey ("Number of votes").
Audit information
  • Poll "Creation date"
  • "Username" of the user who created the poll ("Creation user").
  • Last date on which the survey was modified ("Last modification date").
  • "Username" of the user who made the last modification on the poll ("Last modification user").
Graph In this detail we can see the question and the options for the survey. Each option will be assigned a Colour which will correspond to its representation in the graph as percentages of a total.

Publish, depublish and delete a poll

We can access these actions in two ways:

  1. From the screen "Polls".
  2. From the announcement "Details"(by clicking on a poll from the list)

The actions are:

  • "Publish". This action allows you publishing a poll. The poll will be visible to users.
  • "Depublish". This action allows depublishing a poll. The poll will not be visible to users.
  • "Delete". This option allows a poll being deleted.

If you want massively publish, un-publish or delete polls, select from the screen "Polls" all those on which you want to apply any changes. Once selected, click on one of the actions.

Answering a poll
To answer a published survey, click on the "Current events" tab on the left in the Home page.

After clicking on "Current events" you will be able to see the Poll and answer it.

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