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Modified on: Fri, 21 Feb 2025 2:02 PM

Notifications is the tool available to administrators to send communications to users. It is a service that allows to create warnings or messages of any type through a simple text editor, which also allows you to attach images, hyperlinks... and even HTML formatting. User receives the new notification alert in their profile and access it from the Home screen or directly from his profile icon.

It is important to note that:

  • Notifications are one-way only, that is, although the user can see the sender's name, he cannot reply directly.
  • Only users with administrator role can create Notifications, as it is necessary to access the Global Admin Configuration tool.
  • These notifications are independent of LMS Notifications, which are generated automatically.

Create and send a Notification

To create a new notification, access the Global Admin Configuration tool from the home screen.

In the menu on the left select the Notifications section, and you will see a list of the notifications already created, with several columns of information about them:

  1. Title, heading of the message.
  2. Creation date.
  3. Created by, nickname of the user who created it.
  4. E-mail, if the notification also involves sending an email alert to the recipients.
  5. Status, if the notification has already been Sent, or is only in Draft waiting to be sent.

At the top there are three action buttons:

  1. + Create notification, to access the editor.
  2. Delete, to delete a created notification, mark the flag next to the title and click this button.
  3. Search, to search in the list, enter keywords here.

Sending notifications is irreversible. Even if you delete a notification already sent, it still appears in the user's inbox.

To create a new notification click on the + Create notification button and access the editor.

  1. Title, enter the header of the message here.
  2. Content, in this box you can edit the message body itself. There are several formatting options in the top buttons: font type, paragraphs, add images, hyperlinks, tables... and even edit the message in HTML format.
  3. Send by mail, if you activate this flag all recipients will receive, in addition to the notification, an email alert with the link to the message in the instance. The sender is an automated account with no reply.

  4. Recipients, here you can select the users to whom the notification will be addressed. Click on the button + Add to access a new screen with the list of all the users of the instance. At the top there is a Search box and a Filters tool to find the users you are looking for. Mark the flag next to its name, and in the lower right corner click the + Add button.
    You will return to the editor screen, at the bottom there is a list of all the notification recipients. To delete them, click on the X next to each name, or click on the Delete all button to delete the entire list.
  5. Save draft, click on this button to exit the editor without sending the notification. It will be saved as a draft and displayed in the list (Status: In draft). Click on it to access it again and finish editing it.
  6. Send notification to send the message to the users. Remember that this action is irreversible.

Once sent, a notification cannot be edited (the user has already received it), nor can it be duplicated to send it again.

View and manage notifications

To view the notifications you have received, go back to the home screen and click on the Notifications tool. You can also access it from anywhere in the instance by clicking on your profile picture and selecting it from the drop-down menu.

You will access the inbox, where all the notifications you have received are displayed. The ones you have not read are marked in bold. You can see the following options:

  1. When you have pending notifications, a warning will appear on the profile picture, with the number of messages you have received.
  2. If you select one or more notifications with the flags on the left, the options at the top are activated:
    • Mark as read, without the need to view it.
    • Mark as unread, to reset the notification.
    • Delete to delete the notification from the inbox. This action is irreversible.
  3. In the list of notifications you can see information about them:
    • From, nickname of the user who sent the notification.
    • Subject, the header.
    • Date, when it was created.

Clicking on any of the notifications you can access the content and information about it.

The notification is automatically marked as read, and you can delete it directly by clicking on the button at the top.

 If the user has activated the LMS Pack (Central), he will see two tabs at the top of the inbox:
  • Internal notifications, corresponds to Global Admin notifications.
  • Your training, corresponds to the LMS Pack notifications.
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