Global Admin: API
Web Services API | Groups Web services | Get group admins
Get group admins Obtains the administrators of a given group. URL: /integration/ws/management/rest/groups//admins Method: GET Headers: Accept: version/format header (more info). X-Cloud-Auth-Token*: authorization header (more info). Parameters: groupId/codGroup: specified group, included in URL. startIndex: index of the first admin to list count: maximum number of admins to list (default and limit 500) Responses: 200: OK. Content: JSON array with admins data. 400: Bad request. Wrong or missing parameters. 404: Not found. Group not found. Request example: GET: Response example: [ { "aboutMe": null, "authSource": "LOCAL", "commonId": "3595d6bd211811e88f2d0242ac130002", "email": "", "enabled": true, "extendedFields": { "NIVEL_ESTUDIOS": null, "NIF": null, "NISS": null, "FECHA_NACIMIENTO": null, "SEXO": null, "CIF": null, "CTA_COTIZACION": null, "GRUPO_COTIZACION": null, "Campo_prueba": null, "CATEGORIA_PROFESIONAL": null }, "externalId": null, "extra": {}, "id": "2c93808360d552d50160da56f90e002d", "image": { "url": "/opt/cloud/repo/netex/2018/04/19/3f64ced6-d4b1-4e8b-8e58-dd2a9bd8df25.png" }, "interests": null, "language": "es", "location": null, "mobilePhone": null, "name": "Admin Group", "officePhone": null, "password": "$2a$10$wE8s0PmgRICOVIJxYRV9Q.aPqoevcheYdGHp3Qt8h3C7sIlA5OYKu", "roles": { "management": [ "groupadmin" ], "training": [ "groupadmin" ] }, "surname": "Two", "timezone": "Europe/Paris", "username": "admingroup2" }, { "aboutMe": null, "authSource": "LOCAL", "commonId": "7f46f5ee53584f08b156c120d11cf0e9", "email": "", "enabled": true, "extendedFields": { "NIVEL_ESTUDIOS": null, "NIF": null, "NISS": null, "FECHA_NACIMIENTO": null, "SEXO": null, "CIF": null, "CTA_COTIZACION": null, "GRUPO_COTIZACION": null, "Campo_prueba": null, "CATEGORIA_PROFESIONAL": null }, "externalId": null, "extra": {}, "id": "2c9380836418948201641bc818da0002", "image": { "url": null }, "interests": null, "language": "es", "location": null, "mobilePhone": null, "name": "Admin", "officePhone": null, "password": "$2a$10$ORTZDtSsAW/gURxU42PAbusq.OEP//pL7Cnu035UCtiU9vVnABPBS", "roles": { "management": [ "groupadmin" ], "training": [ "groupadmin" ] }, "surname": "Group", "timezone": "Europe/Paris", "username": "" }, { "aboutMe": null, "authSource": "LOCAL", "commonId": "4daa4718583c466cb896c79651075510", "email": "", "enabled": true, "extendedFields": { "NIVEL_ESTUDIOS": null, "NIF": null, "NISS": null, "FECHA_NACIMIENTO": null, "SEXO": null, "CIF": null, "CTA_COTIZACION": null, "GRUPO_COTIZACION": null, "Campo_prueba": null, "CATEGORIA_PROFESIONAL": null }, "externalId": null, "extra": {}, "id": "2c96808869101d4f01691075758a0002", "image": { "url": null }, "interests": null, "language": "es", "location": null, "mobilePhone": null, "name": "Aida", "officePhone": null, "password": "$2a$10$./c8F0Kba1eA8ALYAwbALea7vRyEYhyxUi0HQxPdcYw23pd4YmoXW", "roles": { "training": [ "groupadmin" ] }, "surname": "Alján", "timezone": "Europe/Paris", "username": "admingrupos" }]
Web Services API | Groups Web services | Add admins to group
Adds admins to the given group. URL: /integration/ws/management/rest/groups//admins.add Method: POST Headers: Accept: version/format header X-Cloud-Auth-Token*: authorization header X-Cloud-Synchronization: synchronization header Content-Type*: application/json Parameters: groupId/codGroup: specified group, included in URL. adminIds * : group administrators to add to the given group. They can be specified with identifier or username. Responses: 204: No content. Administrators successfully added to the group. The operation ignores users that don't exist or aren't group administrators. 400: Bad request. Wrong or missing parameters. 404: Not found. Group not found. Request example: POST: Payload: { adminIds: ['groupadmin1', 'groupadmin2', 'groupadmin3'] } Response example: Synchronous: { "location": null, "message": "", "responsePlatforms": { "management": { "location": null, "message": null, "status": 204 }, "training": { "location": null, "message": null, "status": 200 } }, "status": 204 } Asynchronous: { "location": null, "message": "", "responsePlatforms": { "management": { "location": null, "message": null, "status": 204 }, "training": { "location": null, "message": null, "status": 202 } }, "status": 204 }
Web Services API | Groups Web services | Remove admins from group
Removes admins from the given group. URL: /integration/ws/management/rest/groups//admins.remove Method: POST Headers: Accept: version/format header (more info). X-Cloud-Auth-Token*: authorization header (more info). X-Cloud-Synchronization: synchronization header (more info). Content-Type*: application/json Parameters: groupId/codGroup: specified group, included in URL. adminIds * : group administrators to remove from the given group. They can be specified with identifier or username. Responses: 204: No content. Administrators successfully removed from the group. The operation ignores users that don't exist or aren't group administrators. 400: Bad request. Wrong or missing parameters. 404: Not found. Group not found. Request example: POST: Payload: { adminIds: ['groupadmin1', 'groupadmin2', 'groupadmin3'] } Response example: Synchronous: { "location": null, "message": "", "responsePlatforms": { "management": { "location": null, "message": null, "status": 204 }, "training": { "location": null, "message": null, "status": 200 } }, "status": 204 } Asynchronous: { "location": null, "message": "", "responsePlatforms": { "management": { "location": null, "message": null, "status": 204 }, "training": { "location": null, "message": null, "status": 202 } }, "status": 204 }
Web Services API | Groups Web services | Get commonId of a group
Obtains the commonId of a group (always synchronously). Url: /integration/ws/management/rest/v1/groups//commonid Method: GET Headers: Accept: version/format header X-Cloud-Auth-Token*: authorization header Responses: 200: OK. Content: status: generic status location: generic location of the resultant resource, if any message: generic success or error message, if any responsePlatforms: response for every platform it concerns. Each one with the content: status: status in the platform location: location of the resultant resource in the platform, if any message: success or error message in the platform, if any Url example by user id: Response example: Get commonid of the user{ "commonId": "d42690acb8e44ad79d6699afd455638e", "externalId": "group1" }
Web Services API | Groups Web services | Get externalId of a group
Obtains the externalId of a group (always synchronously). Url: /integration/ws/management/rest/v1/groups//externalid Method: GET Headers: Accept: version/format header X-Cloud-Auth-Token*: authorization header Responses: 200: OK. Content: status: generic status location: generic location of the resultant resource, if any message: generic success or error message, if any responsePlatforms: response for every platform it concerns. Each one with the content: status: status in the platform location: location of the resultant resource in the platform, if any message: success or error message in the platform, if any Url example by user id: Response example: Get commonid of the user { "commonId": "eea75bac34084ab3aa3156ce61a2b225", "externalId": "gruponetex1" }
Web Services API | Licenses web service | Get licenses
Obtains a list with the acceses into the platform Url: /integration/ws/management/rest/v1/licenses Method: GET Headers: Accept: version/format header X-Cloud-Auth-Token*: authorization header Parameters: username: used to filter the acesses by user name startdate: lowest value range of a date used to filter the accesses. Default format is dd/MM/yyyy endate: highest range of a date used to filter the accesses. Default format is dd/MM/yyyy formatdate: format date used in the startdate and the enddate parameter values. If it is not completed, its value is dd/MM/yyyy off: number of the start index of the list of the elements that are shown max: maximum number of elements shown Responses: 200: OK. Content JSON array with the acesses Url example : Response example: Get licenses [ { "commonId": "208d9d6895ce4f879690b89ba5e3f35a", "username": "POCHOLO", "name": "pocholo", "surname": "pocholo", "time": "2022-01-22T23:00:00Z", "web": true, "mobile": false } ]
Web Services API | Extended Field Web Services | List extended fields
Obtains a list of users (always synchronously). Url: /integration/ws/management/rest/customFields Method: GET Headers: Accept: version/format header X-Cloud-Auth-Token*: authorization header Parameters: startIndex: index of the first user to list count: maximum number of users to list (default and limit 500) Responses: 200: OK. Content: Url example: http:// Response example: [ { "commonId": "acd8f1c0127d4fd4a79f1ec891c8c2e2", "description": null, "editable": false, "externalId": null, "name": "entero", "possibleValues": [], "type": "INT", "visible": false }, { "commonId": "01b8356e01ae41939a4eb9635684880d", "description": null, "editable": false, "externalId": null, "name": "lista_valores", "possibleValues": [ "v1" ], "type": "ENUM", "visible": false }, { "commonId": "c0aa5f5452c0436e811eba184624151a", "description": null, "editable": false, "externalId": null, "name": "CAMPO_TEXTO", "possibleValues": [], "type": "TEXT", "visible": false }, { "commonId": "5b2b9b4b2c7946398eaebc1c0ef19222", "description": null, "editable": false, "externalId": null, "name": "CAMPO_ENTERO", "possibleValues": [], "type": "INT", "visible": false }, { "commonId": "32b4cf4b5c074212b41679aa80202e7f", "description": null, "editable": false, "externalId": null, "name": "color", "possibleValues": [ "rojo", "verde" ], "type": "ENUM", "visible": false }, { "commonId": "21547b092a2c41d6b86d3c7f52a04e3e", "description": null, "editable": false, "externalId": null, "name": "letras", "possibleValues": [ "m", "j" ], "type": "ENUM", "visible": false }, { "commonId": "cdefd1425b1c4676825ba100a39ab402", "description": null, "editable": false, "externalId": null, "name": "data", "possibleValues": [], "type": "DATE", "visible": false }, { "commonId": "58d31d451c9d4bee94748c3129152e28", "description": null, "editable": false, "externalId": null, "name": "bool", "possibleValues": [], "type": "BOOL", "visible": false }, { "commonId": "e47fca7bf6d8449bac4dd74703863d1b", "description": null, "editable": false, "externalId": null, "name": "Agile", "possibleValues": [ "XP", "Kanban", "Scrum" ], "type": "ENUM", "visible": false }, { "commonId": "cbb3c45e6eec4408b3a893166e653de8", "description": "fecha de nacimiento", "editable": false, "externalId": null, "name": "fecha de nacimiento", "possibleValues": [], "type": "DATE", "visible": false } ]