Web Services API | Licenses web service | Get licenses
Modified on: Tue, 27 Jun 2023 5:17 PMObtains a list with the acceses into the platform
- Url: /integration/ws/management/rest/v1/licenses
- Method: GET
- Accept: version/format header
- X-Cloud-Auth-Token*: authorization header
- username: used to filter the acesses by user name
- startdate: lowest value range of a date used to filter the accesses. Default format is dd/MM/yyyy
- endate: highest range of a date used to filter the accesses. Default format is dd/MM/yyyy
- formatdate: format date used in the startdate and the enddate parameter values. If it is not completed, its value is dd/MM/yyyy
- off: number of the start index of the list of the elements that are shown
- max: maximum number of elements shown
- 200: OK. Content JSON array with the acesses
- Url example : http://netex.dev.learningcloud.me/integration/ws/management/rest/v1/licenses
- Response example:
Get licenses
[ { "commonId": "208d9d6895ce4f879690b89ba5e3f35a", "username": "POCHOLO", "name": "pocholo", "surname": "pocholo", "time": "2022-01-22T23:00:00Z", "web": true, "mobile": false } ]