Importing groups, and users to groups, with CSV
Modified on: Fri, 21 Feb 2025 1:44 PMIn Global Admin you can also create and edit groups by importing data directly from a CSV file. It is a table that contains all the necessary data, where the columns are separated by commas and the rows by line breaks.
To know how to compose this file you have a downloadable template, and a table in this same article that explains the values to enter.
To import groups from a CSV file, access Global Admin, go to the Groups section and click on the Imports tab.
Import groups
If you want to create new groups or edit existing ones, click on the Import button and select the Import groups option.
A pop-up window shows up explaining the procedure in steps. First it gives you the option to download a Blank CSV template, headed by all the data fields (columns) that you can include, where each row is for a new group.
If you do not need to enter any value in any of the fields, simply do not type anything, but you must remember to add the comma (,) to mark the jump to the next field.
Template fields correspond to the following values:
- #op# → Operation type
- #username#
- #name#
- #email#
- #surname#
- #enabled# → Activate
- #password#
- #language#
- #timezone#
- #officePhone#
- #mobilePhone#
- #interests#
- #aboutMe#
- #location#
- #welcomeMail# → Send welcome mail
- #lineManager#
- #country#
- #globalAdmin# #lms# #share# #author# #packLms# #maker# #googleAnalytics# #talentCloud# → Role assigned in those tools
Most important fields and their functions are:
Function |
Field | Mandatory |
Value by default |
Comments |
Operation |
#op# | No |
C |
The types of operation are maintained, although the meaning of the types of operation varies to match the initial idea:
What does this mean? Well, a D operation deletes both the columns not indicated and those indicated as empty, while a U operation keeps both the columns not indicated and those indicated as empty. |
External ID |
#cod# | Yes |
The key name to be assigned to the group. |
Name |
#name# | Yes |
The descriptive name you want to assign to the group. |
Description |
#desc# | No |
Descriptive text about the functionality of the group. |
Parent Group |
#parent# | No |
In case you want to create a subgroup, you must indicate the "External ID" of the parent group. |
It is an organization | #isOrganization# | Yes | true false |
If Multi-organization feature is activated for the instance |
Global Admin ... |
#globalAdmin# #lms# #author# |
No |
The Global Admin, LMS, Author... role that will be assigned to the users of the group. |
Once you have successfully covered the CSV template with all the groups, go to the second step. Here you have a box where you can Drag the CSV file, or browse for it by clicking Select from your disk, to upload it to the platform and start the synchronization process.
If the file format is correct, the system returns the message Your file has been successfully validated and will show a preview. If it finds any problem, it returns a message Erroneous fields in the file, indicating the type of error and the line in which it is found.
In this case you must correct the errors in the file and upload it again so that the system confirms that now the format is correct. Once validated you can start the process by clicking on the Start synchronization button.
The data import starts and the window will inform you of the progress. Once finished, the message Synchronization finished and a summary of the processed data will be displayed.
You will also receive a confirmation message in the e-mail associated to your account.
Import list between users and groups
There's a second option under the Import button called Import list between users and groups. In other words, it is used to add or remove users from groups, again using a template in CSV format.
The process is the same as in the previous case. When clicking on the option a new pop-up window appears from where you can download the template, and once filled in, upload it back to the platform using the box at the bottom. You will follow the progress in the same window, and if it is carried out correctly you will receive the same confirmation message.
In the case of this template, these are the main fields, their meaning and values:
Operation |
Group code |
Username |
Field |
Mandatory |
Value by default |
Comments |
Operation |
No |
C |
Group code |
Yes |
The external ID of the group |
Username |
Yes |
The username you want to add to the group |