Global Admin: FAQ
How is the license limit calculated and how to check it?
This article is a quick guide to understand how license usage works in the two licensing modes, Nominal and RAU. And how to check your license consumption at any time, and what margin you have left until you reach the limit. Nominal Licensing The service agreement is determined by allowing a specific list of users to have access to the contracted platforms, regardless of whether they use them or not. These users must be marked in Netex Cloud with active status, and have some role in the contracted platform. Each of these active users uses a contracted license. Usage is calculated in monthly periods. If throughout the month, the client increases or decreases the number of active users, the licenses consumed that month are considered to be those of the day with the highest number of active users registered. For example: Date Users marked as active, with access to the LMS Day 1 50 Day 2 120 ... ... Day 30 90 For this example month, the total number of licenses consumed on the LMS platform would be 120. This is a contracting modality designed so that the customer can register the list of users to be trained, without worrying about whether they access or not. If the client has 1,000 users, but only wants to contract 500 licenses, because during the first month the training will be received by half of the company, and the following month by the other half, it is the client's responsibility to manage the registration and cancellation of users so that each month only the 500 users who will receive the training are included. Real Active User Licensing (RAU) The service agreement is determined by allowing a certain number of users to concurrently access the contracted platforms, regardless of the number of registered users. Netex Cloud monitors which users make use of each of the platforms, to determine if it is a real active user or not, regardless of whether the administrator marks it as active from the administration panel. The price of the RAU license is higher than the Nominal license. It is calculated in monthly periods. Let's suppose a company with 1,000 employees, which knows that during the first month the training will be received by half of the staff, and during the following month by the other half. The client can contract 500 RAU licenses, and not worry about user management. The month that the platform detects 500 or less users accessing the platform, a price is charged, and the month that exceeds 500 contracted, the excess is charged at a higher price. Date Registered users RAU licenses contracted Users who have actually accessed Amount charged 1st month 1.000 500 150 Agreed amount for 500 RAU licenses 2nd month 1.000 500 450 Agreed amount for 500 RAU licenses 3rd month 1.000 500 700 Agreed amount for 500 RAU licenses + amount for 200 licenses at excess license price This is a contract modality designed for those customers who know (or estimate) how many of their users actually access per month, and do not want to pay to give full access to all of them. This allows you not to worry about how many users are registered on the platform, since there is no charge for it. In order to calculate how many users have accessed a month, a record is kept of each access, which is consolidated on a daily basis. For example: Date Users accessing Number of RAU licenses in that month Day 1 Users 1, 2 and 3 3 Day 2 Users 2 and 3 3 Day 3 Users 1, 2 and 4 4 ... ... ... Day 30 Users 4 and 5 5 The total number of RAU licenses used this month is 5, since users 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 have accessed the platform at least once during the month. View License Usage Admin users can view license usage by platform from the LC6 Configuration application: Configuration → Apps → Measuring usage
Role Types and Inherited Roles
When you add a new user to your tenant, you have to assign him some types of roles. This is what determines what functionalities and permissions he will have for each of the Netex Cloud tools. The four main ones (Global Admin, LMS, Author and Share) each have their own types of roles, some very similar to each other, while others are more specific. In order to understand and assign them correctly, in this article we will make a quick review of them and how they are related. In the tables the roles are ordered according to the permissions they have, from highest to lowest. In order to create a new user you have to assign at least one role in Global Admin, the main portal. For the rest of the tools, if you do not assign any role it will mean that the user will not have access to it. Inherited roles Before looking at the different types, you need to know what inherited roles are: in addition to being able to assign roles to a user via their personal tab, they can acquire them automatically when they join a group or subgroup. User groups have in their settings the option of assigning their new members an inherited role for one or more Netex Cloud tools. Therefore, if you add a user who has the role of Author in LMS to a group configured with the inherited role of Group Administrator, this user will have both roles, and their consequent permissions. In other words, he will be able to work as an Author, creating and managing his own content, and as a Group Administrator, creating and managing trainings on that content (but not on the rest of the platform's content, for which he would have to inherit or be assigned the Administrator role). The acquisition of inherited roles always works in ascending order. It allows the user to acquire new permissions, or in any case stay as he was. But it will never cause him to lose permissions, downgrade to a lesser role. In the example above, if the Author role enters a group with the inherited role of Validator, he would simply gain the ability to publish or unpublish content, something he already had. But he will never lose the permissions to create and edit content. In other words, when inheriting a new role in case there is incompatibility with any of the permissions (the Author can generate content and the Validator cannot), the one the user already had will always prevail. Roles in Global Admin Global Admin is the tool for creating and managing users and groups in Netex Cloud, in addition to other functionalities such as integration with external applications, the look of the interface... Here the roles are determined by the access to its different sections. Roles Functions Specifics Admin Access to: Configuration (Users, Groups, Extended fields, Apps...) Reports Announcements Notifications Incompatible with the Group administrator role, you cannot have access to Configuration and Users at the same time. Group administrator Access to: Users (Users and Groups) Announcements Notifications Incompatible with the Admin role, you cannot have access to Configuration and Users at the same time. User Only accesses Announcements y Notifications Roles in LMS LMS is a tool that allows the creation and management of content in a simple and practical way, with another series of functionalities that also make it easier and analyze the trainings. Here the roles are determined by the function that each user fulfills, and therefore to which of these functionalities he has access. Roles Functions Specifics Admin Total control of the platform: Create and publish content Enroll students and groups Check reports Create and award badges and scores Set parameters It includes all the permissions of the rest of the roles, in addition to having other specific permissions. Group administrator Manager of a group of users: Enroll students and groups Check reports Compatible with the roles of Author and Validator, but only for the contents of the group being managed. Author Creator of training contents: Create and publish content Create badges Only has permissions on his own content. Teacher Reviewer of created trainings: Check the progress of the students Generate reports Has permissions on the trainings assigned to him. Validator Reviewer of created contents: Publish (and unpublish) contents Has permissions on the content of the group (or organization) to which he belongs. User Access to the contents in the LMS. Also assigned to the rest of the roles by default. Roles in Author Author is a tool oriented to the integral management of training contents, which offers the possibility of creating customized contents, as well as implementing the contents created with other tools. Being a training manager, it has roles similar to those of the LMS, but with differences. Roles Functions Specifics Administrator Tenant manager: Create and modify all projects Assign permissions Check reports ... Cannot edit authoring units, only the Author. Manager Manager of the projects he creates and those assigned to him by the Administrator: Create and manage folders in the project Create and manage external units and authoring units Assign permissions on his projects Cannot edit authoring units, only the Author. Author Content creator: Create and edit authoring units in the projects and folders he is assigned Can be compatible with the other roles so that they can edit authoring units. Reviewer Content review process: Accept or reject units Cannot edit authoring units, only the Author. Roles in Share Share is a tool that makes available to the student a list of resources related to topics of interest, curated and organized by a creator. Being such a direct and specific content, the roles here are only three and exclude each other. Roles Functions Specifics Admin Manager of the platform, his main function is to review and approve the content. They are not compatible, only one of the roles can be used. Author Users who can create Playlists and consume them. Consumer Users who can consume Playlists, but not create them. More info on LMS roles: Types and features Permissions table Cross-roles
Minimum requirements
Technical requirements for users Browser The latest two versions of the following browsers and platforms are supported: Chrome (Mac, Windows, iOS, Android) Firefox (Android, Mac, Windows) Safari (Mac, iOS) Opera (Mac, Windows) Cookies Allow JavaScript Activated Popup Blocker Disabled Minimum screen resolution 320 x 480 LTI Version 1.1 Network configuration Access to the Internet (SaaS) Required Firewall: Ports need to be open HTTP (80) HTTPS (443) (only if SSL is enabled) Both in the IP of the server Netex Cloud. Proxy It doesn't require any specific configuration TLS 1.2 SAML 2.0 Requirements for images in the appearance settings Type of image Width High Maximum size Types Application image 1000 px 1000 px 2 MB JPG, GIF, PNG Basic logo 220 px 40 px 2 MB JPG, GIF, PNG Large logo 330 px 215 px 2 MB JPG, GIF, PNG Logo of notification 220 px 40 px 2 MB JPG, GIF, PNG Background image 1280 px 800 px 2 MB JPG, GIF, PNG Profile of user image 280 px 280 px 2 MB JPG, GIF, PNG "Current" image 280 px 280 px 2 MB JPG, GIF, PNG Requirements for files in Social communities The maximum size of a file that you can upload to a community of learningSocial is 5 megabytes.
CSV format for massive import of users
The header format will be the following: Operation Username Name e-mail Surname Active Password Language Time Zone Office Phone Mobile Phone Interests About me Location lcloud lcentral lsocial The same file used for exporting users can be used as template for importing the users in the system. In that case, is important to meet the following conditions: As the headers can be localized in different languages the basic user data will be get according its position in the CSV. The role data must be located in the final CSV columns according to the following rules: The header is the short name of the plattform. Its value will be a list (separated by commas) of valid roles in the plattform. The lcloud column will be the first column of existing roles (it's useful as marker). The following table tries to summarize the meaning of each column and the possible values. Click on the image to download the guide on pdf format. The peculiarities of each operation must be taken into account in order not to make mistakes:Operation D does not need more information than username, since that is enough to know which user to remove, and it will remove it from all the platforms where it exists. Operation D does not need more information than username, since that is enough to know which user to remove, and it will remove it from all the platforms where it exists. Therefore, we must be careful not to try to remove a user from a platform by indicating this operation and the platform from which we want to remove him, since the user will be removed completely (removing from a platform should be done with operation U indicating empty all the platforms from which you want to remove). If the user is active, we must set the enabled field to false RECOMMENDATIONS Looking at the import trend, we are going to give margins associated with risks of being interrupted by the duration of the imports themselves. Low to very low risk: Imports from <1000 users Assumable/acceptable risk: Imports between 1000 and 2000 users High risk: Imports between 2000 and 3000 users High or very high risk: Imports from more than 3000 users The fragmentation of the csv following the indicated instructions is strongly recommended. If you follow these guidelines, you will get a better optimization of the resources available on your platform.
Netex will no longer support Microsoft IE11
From 1st January 2020, Netex will no longer support Microsoft Internet Explorer 11. During 2020, only blocking incidents related to customers' platforms as stated in our Service Level Agreement will be supported by Netex’s Support team and fixed by Netex’s development teams. In the meantime, we should strongly encourage our customers to start moving to one of our supported browsers.
How do I get my instance data?
This has become a recurring question for our customers, so from Netex customer support we have found it necessary to make a document to help them follow the right steps depending on the platform you have contracted with us. LMS Within LMS you can recover: The history of sprints that have been overpassed by students, is as simple as entering as administrator and in the sprints published (REMEMBER - If they have been unpublished you must republish them to get the report). Double click on the title >>> Progress >>> Export. The badges obtained by each user, only need to create a Mozilla Backpack account to store them in your personal account, if your computer does not have the Mozilla browser, please contact your IT department to activate it. learningCentral (LMS) Inside Central you can recover: The history of the courses passed by each of the students. In the following link of the manual of Central you will be able to have fulfilled information of all the reports and those that interest you more to achieve your objective. Author Within Author you will be able to retrieve: The units created directly by you on the platform. Whether in project format for future editing within Author or published in SCORM/xAPI format, in this second case it would not be possible to edit the product again because it is already packaged. Recovering them is as simple as using the menu inside the project unit (REMEMBER - If the unit is external this functionality will not be available, since it is supposed that it has been previously uploaded by a project manager), click on the 3 points >>> Export menu and we will receive the ZIP with the unit. learningMaker Inside Maker you will be able to recover: Projects created directly by you on the platform. Either in project format to edit them again in the future within Maker or published in SCORM/xAPI format, in this second case it would not be possible to edit the product again because it is already packed. You only need to enter the project and click on the top button that says "Export", this will give us the necessary ZIP to recover it in the future in another learningMaker project. User administration (Global Admin) Within Global Admin you will be able to recover the CSV of users registered in your instance, except that you have configured SSO, where that information will reside in your own AD or LDAP. In the window of arrival to the instance we look for Configuration >>> Users >>> Export Users. We will obtain the CSV with all the users registered in the platform. ADDITIONAL NOTES None of the Netex training tools (LMS and learningCentral) have the feature of downloading the content package previously uploaded to it. Whether using Scorm or xAPI, our instances are not intended to be used as data repositories. Because of that Netex is not responsible for the stored data. Everything has been uploaded to our platform must first have passed through the hands of the Administrator, who should be responsible for saving backups of the content. QUICK INFO LMS The history of sprints that have been surpassed The badges obtained by each user learningCentral The history of the courses passed by each of the students. Author Units created directly by you on the platform learningMaker Projects created directly by you on the platform Global Admin The CSV of registered users in your instance
Password policy
About how passwords and user session work on the platform: ¿Is the password stored cryptographically (Hashing and Salting)? Yes, all passwords are stored in encrypted way. Does the password have to follow any rules? For example a minimum number of characters, have alphabetic or numeric characters, include upper and lower case letters... Passwords can follow any rule the administrator specifies in terms of length or complexity. To do this, access the Configuration tool, and in the menu on the left click on the Advanced settings section. Does the platform have any list of forbidden passwords or rules for not allowed passwords? For example 1234, abcde... Yes, this option is available in the Advanced Settings menu. If enabled, the platform performs a check on a not allowed blacklist of easy-to-guess passwords. Is the initial password requested to be changed when the user logs in for the first time? When the password management is done from the LMS ecosystem, it is possible to request the password during the first login via a link in the welcome email. Does the user's session have an automatic timeout in case of inactivity? Yes, the session is automatically logged out after 8 hours of inactivity. Does the platform have an access log where the date of last user authentication can be validated? Yes, administrators have access to the Reports tool in the main menu, where the last date of user access can be checked. Does the password expire? Is there a prior warning? Yes, password expiration is another editable parameter in the Advanced settings section. Is the user blocked if there are several failed login attempts? No, there is no lockout, but in the Advanced settings you can activate the reCAPTCHA anti-brute force tool after a certain number of attempts. Are users denied access if they are inactive for a long period of time? No, users must be manually deactivated, although it is possible to set up password expiration after a certain period of time.
Global Admin glossary of data fields
Here is a list of all the data fields you can find in Global Admin, those in bold are mandatory. User creation form Username Name Surname E-mail Password Office phone Mobile phone Location Line manager: person in charge that can access your learning records NIF/NIE: user ID for subsidised trainings Company: for subsidised trainings CIF: company ID for subsidised trainings Time zone Language Country Extended fields: created by the instance administrators (optional) About me: more info on the user Interests: more info on the user CSV file to import/export users Operation: the values can be: C: create U: update D: delete If none is indicated, it is considered as a C Active: to enable/disable the user: true: enable false: disable Welcome mail: send a welcome e-mail to the user: true: send false: do not send Group creation form It is an organization: for multi-organization purposes Name Description External ID: a key name for the group Image: cover picture Group administrators (with group administrator role) Extended fields: created by the instance administrators (optional) CSV file to import/export groups Operation: the values can be: C: create U: update D: delete If none is indicated, it is considered as a C Parent group: if you want this to be a subgroup, enter the External ID of the parent group External app form Name Order URL Customer Key Shared Secret Open in: new tab or current tab Color Custom keys: each line represents a pair key=value Description Roles: can be Student, Content developer, Administrator, Teacher and/or Observer Integrations Google Analytics: Google account required Zapier Apps: Zapier account required Appearence Main logo Secondary logo Notification logo Text color Background image Advanced settings Password configuration: Minimum characters required Advanced settings: password rules (special characters, reCAPTCHA...) and expiration (in days) IP restrictions: IP adresses whitelist: only them will have access to the platform Users whitelist: can access the platform from any IP address without restrictions Email server configuration: Extended ASCII encoding SMTP hostname Port Username Set password