Event completeness
When creating or editing an event, the Completeness property allows you to set a criterion that the learner must meet in order to successfully complete the event. It works similarly to course completeness, but with more criteria available. And it makes the learner's learning path easier, for example in order to advance when the event is part of a Pathway or a Learning Program.
Setting completeness
You can set the completeness in the tab Event details. In the Contents section create a New event or edit an existing one.
In the details tab you will find the Completeness field, where you can select the criteria by clicking on the drop-down menu:
Attendance: the event is considered completed when the learner's attendance is confirmed. This can be done automatically, if the event is synchronized with MS Teams, or manually, from the Students tab within the training
End date: the event is considered completed when the end date of the training is reached
The end dates of the call are checked every hour, then the event is considered completed for the corresponding learners.
Evaluation: the event is considered completed when the student meets the assessment criteria. In this case it is also necessary to activate the Assesment option in the same tab, and to mark the cut-off score
If you choose the Assessment completeness, you must activate the Assessment option. However, you can activate the Assessment option and choose any other completeness criterion.
Manually completed by the administrator: the event is considered completed only when it is marked manually by the administrator, from the Students tab within the training.
The Completeness field is mandatory, if no criterion is marked, the system will assign "Manually completed by the administrator" by default.
When editing an event, the change of completeness criteria is not retroactive, it only affects new cases of completeness. That is, if there are students who have already completed the event, and we change the criteria, those who have already completed the event stay as they are, only the following ones are ruled by the new criteria.
Manage completeness
Once the training has been created, regardless of the completeness criterion you have chosen, you can edit the completeness data of the learners. To do this enter the event training and go to the Students tab.
You will see the list of registered learners and their data. Select one or more by checking the flags on the left, and click on Manage, a side panel with the options is displayed:
Students: to mark the attendance or not of the student to the event
Attendance duration: if you marked attendance, here you can specify the time in minutes
Assessment: for the score obtained by the student. If the criterion of the event is the assessment, the score you enter here will affect the completeness. You can also add Remarks about the assessment, which are shown in the report generated from the Students tab
Set completion status manually: to manually edit the completeness or not of the event, regardless of the criteria previously chosen
Click the Save button to apply the changes, returning to the Students list you can see if the student completed or not the event.
When using the Manage students panel, only the values of the fields that you edit will be applied. The ones you leave blank do not modify the previous status.
The completeness management is the same when the event is within a Pathway or Learning Program. If the event has more than one session, it is considered completed when passing any of them.
View completeness
When an event is completed, by whatever criteria, if the learner goes to the Learning records section he/she will see the completed contents in the Events tab.
Clicking on the event opens a new window with more information, in the Assessment tab he/she can see what his/her score is and the cut-off score.
The requirement for the completeness of a pathway is to complete the required contents. When there is no content marked as required, you must complete all of them, both courses and events.