What is Netex Drive?
Netex Drive is Learning Cloud's cloud storage service, which allows you to save and share training resources among its different tools. A repository where to have all the necessary material for training, both e-learning resources and PDFs, multimedia and more. It works around a series of file libraries that you can create and manage as you wish, indicating which users will have access to the resource.
Netex Drive is integrated with the Learning Cloud ecosystem (LMS, Author) and offers many features that make it easy to create and manage learning content:
- Upload and download e-learning and multimedia files: xAPI, documents, images, videos, audio
- Synchronous use of these resources between the different tools
- Manage access permissions per user
- Import authoring units into LMS directly from Author
- Work with different versions of the units, stable and draft versions
- Share file libraries between different tenants
In addition to being integrated with the other tools, Netex Drive works as an application and is accessible from the landing page.
More information about Netex Drive can be found in the help articles: