Waiting list in Events
This feature makes easier to register users in this type of content and manage the audience. From now on you can establish a maximum capacity for the room, real or virtual. When this capacity is exceeded, the user will be able to join a waiting list to get a place when someone unsubscribes. Waiting lists can be managed manually from the event training, or automatically following the queue order.
Waiting lists is a feature managed by Administrators and Group Administrators.
Activate a waiting list
When creating or editing an event training in the Details menu, you can see an option called Maximum capacity. Checking this flag you can activate the feature, and two more options get unlocked below.

In the Max. capacity text box you can indicate the maximum number of users that can attend the event, that is, the room capacity limit. When this limit is exceeded, new users will enter directly to the waiting list, keeping an order by date of request.
Marking the Automatic seat reservation flag you activate the automatic management option so that the system assigns seats directly in order of request, adding the users on the waiting list when seats become available. If this flag is deactivated the seat assignment must be approved by the Administrator, that is, the user requests his seat and waits for the Administrator to manually approve it.
Manage a waiting list
The waiting list is managed from the Enrollment section within the training. In the list of students you can see two new columns.

The Seat column indicates the user's seat in the event:
Yes: the user has a seat assigned in the Event.
No: the user has not yet requested a seat, or his request has been rejected.
Requested: the user has requested a seat and:
- is waiting for the Administrator to approve it (manual assignment)
- is waiting for a seat to be released (automatic assignment, sold out)
Seat statuses are directly linked to the type of enrollment, to change the status you must change the type of enrollment. That is:
- If you enroll a student as Mandatory or Optional he must have a seat in the event, therefore the status will be Yes.
- If you register a student as Recommended he will start with the status No. When he requests a seat he will change to Requested, and the Administrator will have to change his enrollment type to Optional or Mandatory to assign him the seat.
- In case of a Public Training students do not appear on the list until they apply for enrollment. When they do they appear as Recommended and you will have to change his enrollment the same way.
Seat assignment (change of status) can only be done Directly, not in Group, to avoid manegement conflicts.
If the Automatic seat reservation is activated, the system will automatically change the type of enrollment, from Recommended to Optional, when the student requests a seat. If the Maximum capacity of the event is full, it will keep the student as Requested while waiting for one of the already enrolled to unsubscribe. The seat assignment is done in order of request, which you can see in the new column Request date.
If the Automatic seat reservation is activated, and the Administrator manually removes the seat from a student, or deletes him from the training, the system assigns the free seat to the next one on the waiting list.

At the top next to the heading Students enrollments you can see the number of seats left, or if the event is Sold out. This indicator also appears in the menu Enroll students.

What happens if you try to enroll as mandatory/optional more students than there are seats available? The system enrolls only the first ones on the list until the maximum capacity is reached, leaving the rest out, and an error message is displayed.
To make management easier, the list of students can be sorted by Seat status and Request date. Plus in the filter tool you can filter by Seat status.

For example, if you want to see the order in the waiting list, you must filter by status Requested and sort by the column Request Date.
Enrolling in a waiting list
How does the student view his registration to a waiting list? When clicking on the event in the LMS, the registration button and information changes depending on available seats.

If there are free seats the student will see a green banner on the right side showing the number of seats left, and the button with the option to Request a seat.

If the automatic reservation is activated, a seat is assigned to the student and the option to Add the event to my calendar is shown. The option to Give up your seat is also activated so that the student can unsubscribe in case he cannot attend.

Clicking on this option a new window is shown to confirm the cancellation. After that, you can request a seat again, but you will go back to the last place on the wailist.
In case there are no seats left, the Sold out banner and the Add me to the waiting list button is shown.

Clicking on the button the student enters the waiting list, until a place is released he will see the button disabled with the text Requested seat. You can leave the waiting list at any time by clicking the Cancel request link.

If registration is managed by an administrator, the student will have to wait for him to approve it. In the meantime, the Requested seat is shown appears in the window.

As soon as the administrator assigns the seat, the button will change to Add to my calendar and the option to Give up your seat is also displayed.
When a student on the waiting list gets a seat, because it was approved by the administrator or a seat was released, he will get a warning in the Notifications section.