Follow an Event
You have already created the Event in first place, and then generated the Training to enroll the students. Now, how does the student access this Event and its resources? How is it displayed in the LMS? In a simple and direct way, very similar to that of the Courses and Pathways.
Remember that a student can be registered in four different ways, depending on the chosen one, the access and the banner displayed will be different. For more information you can check the article on Types of Trainings.
Where to see the Events
When the students access the main page of the portal they can see the events they are enrolled through the different entity carousels. The thumbnail of an event can be differentiated because it shows the start date in a box in the upper corner.

Depending on the status of the event, it will be displayed in a different carousel:
Required, if the event has started and the learner is mandatory enrolled
Explore, if the event has started and the training is public, or the learner is optionally or recommended enrolled
Featured, if the event has started and the training is set as featured
Soon, if the learner is enrolled but the event has not yet started (start date coming soon)
In order for the learner to access the attached documentation and the virtual room, they must first enroll in the event.
The student himself can see the status of his registration through the banners on the Event's thumbnail:
- if it is a Public Training or he is registered as Recommended, no banner appears
- if it is an Optional training, Enrolled banner is displayed
- if it is a Mandatory training, both the Enrolled and Mandatory banners are displayed
How to access an Event
To access an Event, the student must log in with his user in the LMS and go to the Events carousel. Clicking on the thumbnail opens the information window, what is displayed will depend on whether the student is enrolled or not in the Training.

If he is not enrolled (Public or Recommended Training) he will be able to see:
Image and Cover Video, first the video is played and at the end the static image remains
- Name of the Event
- Dates
- Location
Enroll button
- Description

If he is already enrolled (Optional or Mandatory), in addition to the above:
- He will have access to the attached Documentation. If he clicks on it, a viewer will open in a new tab
- The Enroll button will change to the Join to the Event button, which will take him to the Virtual Room in a new tab
- With the release of LMS 6.13 (September 27th, 2023) a new button has been added to Unenroll from the Event when possible. Check this article to find out how it works.
The documentation viewer supports certain types of text, image and video files. If the file is not supported, a pop-up window will open so that you can download it to your computer.
Viewing Past Events
The Events carousel on the main page only shows those that are Open (currently in progress) or Planned (starting soon). Those that are Closed (that have already concluded) disappear automatically from this carousel, but the Documentation and the Virtual Room are still accessible for the student to consult them whenever he wants.
To do this access the User Menu, clicking on your profile icon, and go to the Learning Records section. This is where the student can check all the completed contents and certificates obtained.

If the platform Administrators exclude the student from the list of enrolled users, or directly delete the Training, it will no longer appear in the Learning Records and the student will no longer have access to the contents.
In the top row click on the Events button to see all the events that have already been closed. By selecting any of the list you have access again to the pop-up information window, where you can check the link to the virtual room and the documents.
How to track the Event (trainers)
If you remember the process of creating the Event Training, there was a section where you were asked to assign one or more users with the role of trainer. Their work is to follow up the Event, maybe even to teach it, and for this purpose the portal provides them with a control tool.
When you add a trainer to the Training, he will automatically have access to it from his LMS Admin. Clicking on the Trainings section he will see that there is a new section between Courses and Pathways, called Events. It has the same list view and content as for the Administrator role, except that the trainer cannot create Trainings or Enroll students.

The access to these Trainings will serve mainly two functions:
Check the list of students enrolled within the Call, together with the Event information by clicking on the icon of the box with the eye
Register the students who have attended the Event
To do this, go to the Attendance tab and look for the student in the list of those enrolled. Click on the flag next to their name and some options are shown at the top:
Attended, to mark that the student DID attend the Event
No attend, to mark that the student DID NOT attend
- Set time gives you the option to also register how long he was present

These options are Masive actions, which means that you can select several users at the same time and apply the same changes to all of them. Also, if the Training has the integration with Microsoft Teams enabled, Synchronize with MS Teams button is displayed at the top, to request the Attendance data from this application. The system gets this data automatically one hour after the end of the event, but afterwards you can re-synchronise or edit it as many times as you want.
If a user marked as absent (No Attended) is set a time, his status automatically changes to attended (Yes Attended). And on the other hand, if his status is changed to absent, the value in the Time field disappears automatically.
This also applies to Masive Actions, setting time to both attended and absent users, makes the absent ones change to attended.
For more information on how to manage waiting lists in events, or how to follow an event with a waiting list, check this article.