Manage an Event
Once you have created and published your Event from the Contents section of the LMS Admin, the next step is to create one or more Trainings on that Event. This is where you assign the physical address or web links, the students who are going to attend, and the trainers who are going to manage it.
Remember that in order to open the Training, the status of the Event must be Published, just as it happened with the Courses and Pathways. If it has not been published yet, or is unpublished, it will not appear in the list of available Events.
Where to create an Event Training
To create the Training, access the LMS Admin and go to the Trainings section. There you will see a new section between Courses and Pathways called Events.

It shows the same interface as the other two, when you enter you see a list of the Trainings already created, with columns that show related information:
- Name
Status, can be:
Open, if the Event is currently in progress
Planned, if the Event is planned for a later date
Closed, if the Event has already happened
Dates on which the Event is taking place
Author of the Training
- Date of creation
Modified by, the last user who made changes to the Training
- The last Modificación date
- The box with the eye icon shows a Preview of the Training information
- The three-dot menu with the Options:
Edit details
Delete, not available if the Training is Closed
You also use the Search box, Open filters and create a New view. For more information on these tools please check the List View article.

How to create an Event Training
To create a new Training click on the New Training button at the top of the list.

A new side menu is displayed to enter the Training Details:
Training name, this can be different from the Event name and will only appear in the LMS Admin
Event on which you want to create the Training. Clicking on the drop-down opens a new side menu with a list of all the Events to which you have access. You can use the Search box to filter by keywords. Select an Event by marking the flag on the left and click on Save.
With the release of LMS Admin 6.8 (October 11th, 2023) new columns of information have been added to this menu to give more details about the events: whether they belong to a Catalogue, the Author, the Date of creation, the last user who Modified it, and that Modification date.
Events are sorted by modification date by default, but they can also be sorted by name by clicking on the header of that column.
Location, if the Event is going to be face-to-face you can use this section to indicate to the student the physical address where it will take place. What you write in this text box will be shown as it is in the information of the Event at the LMS
Dates, the range of time over which the Event will take place. It can be from a few minutes to whole days
- In the first two boxes enter the day and time of the Event start
- In the next two boxes the day and time of the conclusion. This must always be after the start of the Event
- If the Event takes place during a whole day, with no particular start or end time, you can check the flag All day
The LMS platform automatically identifies the time zone of our Operating System, and displays the times according to it. This means that:
- if the student has a different time zone, the platform will adapt it. If you set the Training at 15:00 in London (UTC +1), a student in New York will be summoned for 10:00 (UTC-4)
- if you change the time zone of our computer when traveling to another place, the times of the Training will also be adapted

Virtual room, use this section to enter the URL of the page where the videochat, webinar or chat room will take place. In the LMS a Join Event button will be displayed, clicking on it the student will access directly to that URL
Trainers in charge of the Event. Clicking on the Select trainers button opens a new side menu with a list of the users with trainer role available to assign them to the Event. You can use the Search box to filter the list. Select one or more trainers by checking the flag on the left and click on Save

With this option you give access to the Event to the selected trainers, the Training will appear in their portal. They will be able to access it to see the list of students summoned and mark those who have attended correctly.
Public training. Enrollment to Events works in the same way as the rest of the contents. You can check this flag to make the Training visible to all the students of the portal, regardless of whether they are registered or not. It will appear in the Recommended carousel so that they can see the information and register if they want to
With the release of LMS Admin version 6.3.1 (August 9, 2023) the new Microsoft Teams Integration feature has been added. To know how it works please check this article.
It is also planned to implement the option to add the Event to the Featured carousel in the LMS. When it is enabled, it will be reported in this article.
Click on Save to create the new Training and it will be displayed at the top of the list. To edit or delete it, click on the three-dot menu on the right and select one of the Options.

In order to delete a Training, its status must be Open or Planned. If it is Closed, you must first modify the dates to reopen it.
How to Summon students to an Event
Once the Training has been created, the enrollment and management of students for an Event is easier than in the rest of the contents. By clicking on the Training you can see:

- The title of the Training in the first term, next to its status (Open, Planned, Closed). The title of the Event itself is shown in the second term, the one that will be shown in the LMS
Attendance tab shows the list of all learners enrolled in the Event, regardless of the type of enrollment. To mark a learner as attended or not, click on the box next to his name and select an option. Use the buttons:
Generate report to download an attendance report in CSV format
Synchronise with MS Teams to obtain attendance data directly from this application. This button is for manual synchronisation, the platform already performs an automatic synchronisation one hour after the end of the event
Trainers tab, shows the list of trainers assigned to the Training, those who have access to it. Use:
- The Enrollment button that takes us to the Students Enrollments page. Here you can manage the list of users, and manage the waiting list
- The three-dot menu that allows you to access the Options to Edit or Delete the Trainings
If you activate the integration with Microsoft Teams in the event training, the option to enroll by groups is no longer available.
There is no button or option to close the Training of an Event in progress. To do so, simply access the Training Details menu (three dots) and change the end time to one that has already passed.
If the status of the Training is Closed (Event concluded) it is not possible to modify the type of enrollment of the student or exclude him.