Create an Event
As seen in the introduction article, the Events tool is used to organize activities with non-consumable content external to the platform, such as face-to-face classes, online classes or webinars. As with Courses and Pathways, they must first be created as new content in the related section, so that the Training on that content can then be created and the students can be summoned.
In this first step you will also set up some important features such as the attached materials or the Catalogs and Labels that will be assigned to it.
Where to create an Event
To create a new Event, access the LMS Admin and go to the Contents section. There you will see a new section between Courses and Pathways called Events.

It has the same interface as the other two, when you enter you see a list of the Events already created, with columns that show the related information:
- Name
Status, it can be Publish, Unpublish or Pending (it has not been published yet)
Catalogue, as we will see later the Events can also be assigned to one or several Catalogs, so that all the members have access to it
- Author
- Date of creation
Modified by, the last user to make changes
- The last Modification date
- The box with the eye icon shows a Preview of the Event information
- The three-dot menu with the Options:
Publish or Unpublish the Event
Edit the details
See trainings associated
Delete, not available if the Event is published
You can also use the Search box, Open Filters, create a New view and apply Massive actions. For more information on these tools please check the List View article..

How to create an Event
To create a new Event click on the New Event button at the top of the list.

This opens a new side menu to enter the Training Details:
Name, this is the title displayed in the LMS
Catalogs, you can add the Event to one or more existing catalogs, so that all the members have access to it. For more information you can check the article on how Catalogs work
Documentation, this is a new feature and the most important one here. In this section you can attach the files you want to offer to the students as support material for the Event: PDF or any text file, images (JPG, PNG, TIFF), video, audio... Click on Add content and upload it from your computer to the platform. You can attach a maximum of 20 files, which can weigh a maximum of 5 MB each
To avoid possible conflicts, it is not allowed to attach executable files to the Event, such as .EXE, .MSI, .BAT, .COM...

Description, a short text presenting the Event displayed in the LMS. It is not necessary to indicate the Event data itself (physical address, URLs...), this information will be included later when creating the Training.
Labels, you can add a new label or select an existing one. They are also visible in the LMS, and make it easier to find the Event in the list when you do a search.
Cover, the image shown in the LMS as the cover of the Event in the carousels and thumbnails.
Featured Video, this video is shown in the LMS as a presentation of the Event both in the Featured carousel and when opening the information window.
Click on Save to create the new Event and it will be displayed at the top of the list. To edit it, publish it, delete it... click on the three dots menu on the right and select one of the Options.

In order to delete an Event, it must be Pending or Unpublished, and it cannot be part of any Training, even if it is Closed.
You can also change the status of several Events at once using the Massive actions, by checking the flags on the left and selecting the option at the top.

Remember that an Event is a non-consumable content, it has no activities or courses. So even if you click on it nothing will happen, because they have no content to access.