Web Services API | Groups Web services | Add admins to group
Adds admins to the given group.
URL: /integration/ws/management/rest/groups/<groupId_or_codGroup>/admins.add
Method: POST
Accept: version/format header
X-Cloud-Auth-Token*: authorization header
X-Cloud-Synchronization: synchronization header
Content-Type*: application/json
groupId/codGroup: specified group, included in URL.
adminIds * : group administrators to add to the given group. They can be specified with identifier or username.
204: No content. Administrators successfully added to the group. The operation ignores users that don't exist or aren't group administrators.
400: Bad request. Wrong or missing parameters.
404: Not found. Group not found.
Request example:
POST: http://<tenant>.learningcloud.me/integration/ws/management/rest/groups/root1/admins.add
- Payload: { adminIds: ['groupadmin1', 'groupadmin2', 'groupadmin3'] }
Response example:
"location": null,
"message": "",
"responsePlatforms": {
"management": {
"location": null,
"message": null,
"status": 204
"training": {
"location": null,
"message": null,
"status": 200
"status": 204
"location": null,
"message": "",
"responsePlatforms": {
"management": {
"location": null,
"message": null,
"status": 204
"training": {
"location": null,
"message": null,
"status": 202
"status": 204