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Web Services API | Groups Web services | Group searcher

Modified on: Thu, 13 Apr 2023 4:30 PM

Group searcher

Search groups by name, description and codeGroup. A group list is returned.

  • URL: /integration/ws/management/rest/
  • Method: GET
  • Headers:
    • Accept: version/format header
    • X-Cloud-Auth-Token*: authorization header
  • Parameters: 
    • q: search term (string).
    • max: max number of groups that are returned, from those included in the search result (int).
    • offset: index of the first returned group that is included in the search result (int).
    • order: order type [ asc | desc ]. Asc, by default, always by codGroup.
    • startIndex: index of the first group to list (same as offset)
    • count: maximum number of groups to list with default and limit 500.
  • Responses:
    • 200: OK. Content: JSON array with groups data.
  • Request example:
    • GET : http:// <tenant>
  • Response example:
    • Payload: [{"codGroup":"UX","description":"Lorem Ipsum es simplemente el texto de relleno de las imprentas y archivos de texto. Lorem Ipsum ha sido el texto de relleno estándar de las industrias desde el año 1500, cuando un impresor (N. del T. persona que se dedica a la imprenta) desconocido usó una galería de textos y los mezcló de tal manera que logró hacer un libro de textos especimen. No sólo sobrevivió 500 años, sino que tambien ingresó como texto de relleno en documentos electrónicos, quedando esencialmente igual al original. Fue popularizado en los 60s con la creación de las hojas \"Letraset\", las cuales contenian pasajes de Lorem Ipsum, y más recientemente con software de autoedición, como por ejemplo Aldus PageMaker, el cual incluye versiones de Lorem Ipsum.","extra":{},"id":"ff8081815adc5b33015adc5dd5f10000","image":{"url":"/opt/cloud//netex/2017/03/20/2a46f2fd-97f3-4740-891e-18e4ef1a9d16.png"},"name":"UX","parentId":null,"roles":{"management":["admin"],"training":["admin","trainer"],"social":["user"],"play":["user"]}},{"codGroup":"UX 2.1","description":null,"extra":{},"id":"ff8081815aec10a0015aec4680f00003","image":{"url":null},"name":"UX 2.1","parentId":"UX","roles":{}},{"codGroup":"UX2","description":null,"extra":{},"id":"ff8081815adc5b33015adc6d015e0001","image":{"url":null},"name":"UX2","parentId":"UX","roles":{"management":["admin","user"],"social":["admin"],"play":["admin"]}},{"codGroup":"UX3","description":null,"extra":{},"id":"ff8081815adc5b33015adc6d89e00002","image":{"url":null},"name":"UX3","parentId":"UX2","roles":{"training":["user"]}},{"codGroup":"UX4","description":null,"extra":{},"id":"ff8081815adc5b33015adc6e6b800003","image":{"url":null},"name":"UX4","parentId":"UX3","roles":{}},{"codGroup":"UX5","description":null,"extra":{},"id":"ff8081815adc5b33015adc6edcbb0004","image":{"url":null},"name":"UX5","parentId":"UX4","roles":{}}]

(*) Field "isOrganization" only applies in customers with multiorganización enabled and root groups

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