Web Services API | User web services | List users
List users
Obtains a list of users (always synchronously).
"aboutMe": "Soy una niña a la que le gusta mucho vestir con una caperuza roja.",·
"email": "caperucita.roja@netex.com",
"enabled": true,
"extra": {},
"id": "ff8081814fb1ee7f014fb1f319800000",
"image": {
"url": "/opt/cloud/netex/2015/09/09/b59236b6-9fef-4225-9e3d-ea999036e3e2.jpg"
"interests": "Llevar comida a mi abuelita, asustarme con el lobo feroz.",
"language": "es",
"location": null,
"mobilePhone": "222222222",
"name": "Caperucita",
"officePhone": "111111111",
"roles": {
"social": ["user"],
"training": ["user"],
"management": ["user"]
"play": ["user"]
"surname": "Roja",
"timezone": "Europe/Paris",
"username": "caperucita.roja"
}, {
"aboutMe": "I'm the title character and protagonist of the novel Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens. I was the first child protagonist in an English novel.",
"email": "oliver.twist.pero@netex.com",
"enabled": true,
"extra": {},
"id": "ff8081814fb1ee7f014fb20105ba0004",
"image": {
"url": "/opt/cloud//netex/2015/09/29/bfc5296d-e36f-4888-bfef-74643c220e50.jpg"
"interests": "I want some more",
"language": "en",
"location": "London",
"mobilePhone": "222222222",
"name": "Oliver",
"officePhone": "111111111",
"roles": {
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"social": ["user"],
"training": ["user"]
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"surname": "Twist",
"timezone": "Europe/London",
"username": "oliver.twist"
}, {
"aboutMe": "Hiperbólico andaluz, poeta de odas y madrigales, anciano, miserable y ciego.",
"email": "max.estrella@netex.com",
"enabled": true,
"extra": {},
"id": "ff8081814fb1ee7f014fb201ea240008",
"image": {
"url": "/opt/cloud/netex/2015/09/09/a6d831d1-e6f7-42bd-a8f8-30cb138796a3.jpg"
"interests": null,
"language": "es",
"location": "Madrid",
"mobilePhone": "222222222",
"name": "Max",
"officePhone": "111111111",
"roles": {
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"management": ["user"]
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"surname": "Estrella",
"timezone": "Europe/Paris",
"username": "max.estrella"