Quick guide to enroll a learner in a Sprint
The process of summoning a student in a Sprint or Training is explained and detailed in the articles about the management of Sprints, Channels and Trainings. As a brief summary, in this article you will find a quick guide reviewing the different ways you have to summon a student. In addition to the most frequent doubts with the management of trainings, how the platform will respond if you modify those summons.
Ways to enroll a student in a Sprint
As explained in the articles mentioned, you can summon students in a Sprint individually or in groups. Looking for them manually in the platform's listing, or uploading a CSV file with their user data. But how many different ways are there to summon a student in a training? What paths can you follow?
There are four ways to do it:
Add the student from the Sprints Editor: enter the Sprint, clicking on it from the Learning section in the Learning Manager tool; and once inside selecting the Trainings tab, and clicking the option in the three-point menu of the training you want. You can add the student individually from the platform listing, select any group to which he belong, or upload a CSV file with his user data (max. 2MB). The result in this case is the same.
Add the student to a Channel that contains the Sprint: same way, if you access the Editor of a Channel that contains the Sprint in particular, in the Trainings tab you can click on the three-dot menu and use any of the mentioned options. The student will be enrolled in all the Channel Sprints, including the one you wanted.
Add the student to a group that is already enrolled in that Sprint, or in a Channel that contains the Sprint: this is the reverse process, first you register the group in the training action, and then you add the student in the group, through the Learning Manager tool. Doing it so, he is automatically registered in all the trainings to which the mentioned group belonged.
Create an assignment rule that automatically adds the student to a group already enrolled in the Sprint: in the same Learning Manager tool, you can create assignment rules that automatically add to a group new students who meet the parameters you specify. If that group was already enrolled in a Training, the new student who is automatically assigned will also be enrolled in the Training.
Remember that when registering students to a Training through the groups, the registration process is asynchronous. That is, the time that passes until the Sprint or Channel is available in the student portal will depend on the number of users registered, and the workload that the server has.
Frequently asked questions about student summon
What is the difference between summon and recommendation?
The difference between summon and recommendation lies in the type of training and how the student receives the Sprint or training resource.
In a summon, a type of push training is developed where a formal training content is presented, sometimes it may even be mandatory, to be carried out by the student, and thus it is presented in its portal.
In a recommendation a more pull approach is pursued where the student is presented with a series of Sprints that may be of interest to him and it is he who decides to incorporate this content into his formal training.
What happens when I exclude a student from a group that is enrolled in a Sprint?
If you exclude a student from a group that was enrolled in a Sprint, he will still be enrolled in the training content, since at some point that student had to face that training unit, and therefore the registration is still valid.
What happens when I exclude a student from a group that is recommended in a Sprint?
On the contrary, in this case the recommendation to the student of that Sprint is canceled, because he no longer belongs to the group that recommended that training content. The difference in this case lies in the pull teaching mode.
What happens when I unsubscribe a group from a Sprint?
When you unsubscribe a group to a Sprint, all students who currently belong to the group are unsubscribed.
What happens when I cancel the recommendation a group to a Sprint?
When you cancel the recommendation of a group to a Sprint, the recommendation of all students who currently belong to the group is canceled.
What happens when I unsubscribe a group from a Channel?
The difference here is marked by the type of training content that exists within the Channel, whether it is mandatory or optional.
Mandatory Sprints within a Channel lead to automatic summon of group members in that Sprint. While the optional contents lead only to a recommendation to the members of the group of that Sprint.
Unlike what happened with individual training content, when I exclude a group from a Channel, students are still enrolled in the Sprints marked as mandatory. But in the case of optional Sprints to which students have been recommended, this recommendation is automatically cancelled.
Obviously, new students who are subsequently added to this group will no longer be summon or recommended, since the relationship between the group and the Channel no longer exists.