Sprints Editor
When you create a new Sprint, or enter an existing one from the Learning section, you access the Sprints Editor . From this page you can create the Activities or training content that will integrate your Sprint, and manage the Trainings for students.

- The ← arrow at the top left allows you to exit the Editor and return to the Learning section.
- Next to it you see the title of the Sprint
- and a tag that tells you if the Sprint is Published or Unpublished.
- In the central part there is a navigation bar to switch between the two tools on this page: the Sprints Editor , and the Trainings manager.
- In the upper right corner you have several accesses: Order allows you to change the order in which the Mission Blocks and Activities are arranged. This option is disabled the first time the Sprint is published. Afterwards you will not be able to change it, even if you unpublish the Sprint.
Preview allows you to preview the Sprint as the student will see it and test the functioning of the Activities, the evaluation and the rewards.
- The three dots display a menu with new options, some of which explained in this article:

Edit details, to edit the title, cover image and other basic features of the Sprint.
Manage translations, to add and edit translations of the Activities, as explained in this article.
Publish/Unpublish, to change the status of the Sprint.
Lock edition, to prevent other authors from modifying the Sprint.
Duplicate, to create a copy of the Sprint.
Delete, to delete the Sprint permanently.
- Finally in the central part of the screen is the space of the Editor itself, where you can create the Mission Blocks and Activities.
Mission Blocks
The first step to start developing content is to create Mission Blocks. These are headings with a small description that allow you to separate and better organize the different Activities, With this separation you can create thematic units within the Sprint itself, and get the student to better visualize their progress. To learn how to create and organize Mission Blocks, see this article.

Once you have created one or more Mission Blocks you can start developing the Activities, the main content of the Sprint. These are small units or exercises that you propose to the student, and that are distinguished mainly by their structure: they can be texts, diagrams, presentations, quizzes, videos, audios... All types of content develop the topic of the Sprint and help advance in the student's training. They can be merely informative, or interact with the student by posing challenges that he will have to overcome, and for which you can reward him. To learn how to create and develop the different types of Activities, see this section.