Extended Fields
As you move forward in the development of our platform training, contents becomes more and more extensive and varied. It is often complex to keep that content organized, and above all easily accessible.
To make it easier for trainers and administrators to quickly find the Sprints they are looking for, LMS offers a number of tools for searching and sorting content. One of the most useful is Extended Fields. It is basically a series of categories that you can create and customize to label the Sprints.

Not only do they serve to identify the courses more specifically, but it will help us to quickly find the Sprints you want thanks to the filter in the search bar of the Learning section.
Extended Fields Menu
Creation and editing of the extended fields is only available to users with Administrator access, since it's necessary to access the Configuration section of the Learning Manager.
This tool is located in one of the tabs of the Configuration menu. To access it, go to Learning Manager and click on the cogwheel icon at the top right.

Configuration side menu is displayed, and among the tabs at the top center, look for the Extended Fields.

In this tab there are have four elements:
Search field (top), which allows us to quickly locate any of the categories created. Click on this bar, type the keywords and press the Enter key so that the list shows all the related fields.
List(center), a list of all existing fields, divided into rows, identified by three values:
Title, the name of the field.
Type, what kind of value it is.
Values, options, or default response that each field gives.
New field (+ button in the lower right corner), used to create a new Extended Field.
Options (three dots to the right of each row), clicking here displays a menu that allows us to edit the existing fields, or delete them from the platform.
Create an Extended Field
Clicking on the + button displays three options to choose, corresponding to the three types of Extended Fields that can be created:

Date: use this extended field for the Sprint author to enter any date in the calendar, whether it is the Sprint creation date, expiration date... As before, clicking on it displays a side menu with the same three options.

List: this is a closed field type, not open to any value like the previous ones, which allows us to create a list of options for the author to choose from.

Clicking on this option you will see a new menu, where in addition to the same previous options, you can enter the options to choose from, entering the description in the Values box, and clicking on the + y - to add or remove options. The row of dots next to each option allows us to change its position in the list, and you can also make one of the options appear by default by checking the box at the top of the list.
Apply the Extended Fields
Once you have created your Extended Fields, it will appear in the menu of new Sprint as an option for the author to tag these new contents, under the Additional Info section.

They are optional, they are not mandatory. And they can be applied not only to new contents, but also to existing ones, using the Edit Details option in the drop-down menu of each Sprint.
In the same way, at any time you can go back to the editing menu of the Extended Fields to modify their values, and these changes will be reflected immediately in the Sprints.
Search by Extended Fields
One of the major advantages provided by Extended Fields is to be able to use them when finding a specific content, making the search easier.

If you go to the Learning page, you can see that in the search bar there is one of the options marked Extended Fields Filter, represented by the funnel icon.

Clicking on it displays a side menu where you can see all the available Extended Fields. Look for the values you want to filter by, select them and click on the APPLY button. The platform shows us all the Sprints that are tagged with the categories you have selected.