New Sprint
The first step to start generating your new training content is to create a Sprint. Sprints are the basic units of content in LMS, similar to a lesson within a curriculum, or a simple workshop:
- can be as long as you want
- can be divided into thematic blocks
- is divided into activities of different types
- these activities can be evaluable or simply for consultation

The union of different Sprints is what will allow you to later create the Channels with more complex formations.
Who can create Sprints
Creating and editing Sprints, like many other functions of Learning Manager, is conditioned to the user profile you have.
The creator of this content should be users with Author access, although an Administrator can also do so.
Group Administrators and Validators do not have permission to create Sprints, although they can review the content of those already created.
If you want to know more about user access in Learning Manager, you can check this article.
From the release of version 5.26 (February 8th, 2023) it has been fixed that users with author role can view or edit Sprints and Channels created by other authors. From this release onwards, they will only be able to view in their workspace the contents created by themselves. However, it is still possible to access other Sprints or Channels if you have the direct link (URL).
In order for an author to be able to freely access the rest of the contents of other authors, it is necessary to give him the role of general administrator, although this implies giving him access to the rest of the functionalities for this type of role.
In the case of users with a group administrator role, they don’t have access to the contents of authors belonging to a group, even if they are designated as the administrator of the group itself. Trainings must be managed by general administrator roles.
These changes do not impact instances that have the multi-organization functionality enabled. Thanks to it, catalogs can be created and Sprints and Channels can be added to them, so that all authors and group administrators can have access to the contents.
How to create a Sprint
To start creating training content, log into the instance with your user and access the Learning Manager tool. By default the platform takes you directly to the Learning section, where the Sprints are created and managed.

To create a new Sprint click on the + button located in the lower right corner, which displays a side menu.

New Sprint Menu
This menu will help you to configure the basic details and specifications of the Sprint, from title and header image, to Gamification.

All Sprints must have a header image, which is the one that will be shown in the thumbnails of the Learning Manager, and on the cover of the Sprint in My Learning. The system assigns a default image, which can be modified by clicking on the Edit image button located at the bottom of it.
A new side menu is displayed where you can choose the new image through the options in the two tabs at the top.
My Images: choose this option to use your own image, which can be uploaded from your computer by clicking on the cloud icon, or by selecting one of the previously uploaded images that appear at the bottom of the menu.

Remember that the image you upload to the platform must meet the specifications:
- JPG, PNG or GIF format.
Minimum width size of 1,000 pixels.
Maximum weight of 3 megabytes
Online Gallery: if you do not have a suitable image, you can do a direct search in the Unsplashonline image bank. Select this tab and enter some keywords in the search bar for the tool to show you related images.

Images provided by Unsplash can be used free of charge for commercial and non-commercial purposes.
After selecting the image, remember to click the ADD button at the top right to save your changes.
In the first fields of the form, enter the basic data of the Sprint:

Title: phrase that heads the Sprint. This field is mandatory.
Description: a brief explanation of the content of the Sprint content.
Estimated time: an approximation of the minutes it takes to complete the Sprint.
Default language: the language in which you are going to write the Sprint. This is a mandatory field.

In this section you can assign Tags to the Sprint, to expand its description and make it easier to search on the platform.
In the field "Search or create tags" enter the keywords you want. If the tag already exists, it will appear on the screen so you can select it. If not, press the Enter key and a new tag is created. To remove a tag click on the X next to it.
If you have created Catalogs in your instance, using the tool within the Configuration section, you can assign the Sprint to any of them. This will facilitate not only their search, but the subsequent management of the studentTrainings.
In the "Search catalogs" field, enter the keywords and a list of all related catalogs will appear. Look for the one you want and select it. To deselect it click on the X next to it.
In this field you can specify the cut-off score of the Sprint.
When you later create the Sprint Activities , you will see that you can give a score to the student for completing them. This option allows you to specify how many total points must be achieved to successfully pass the Sprint. To do this, activate the option and determine the amount. If you disable this option there will be no cut-off score for the Sprint.
Gamification awards
All LMS contents can be Gamified, they have the option of awarding points and badges to the student for completing the trainings. These will be displayed on your public profile and will make you move up positions in the global ranking of the platform.

In this section you can specify the points and badges to be awarded to the learner for successfully completing the Sprint. To do this, enter the numerical amount in the "Sprint Points" field, and click on + Select a badge, which displays a new menu with all the available badges.
Additional info
These last fields allow you to expand the description of the Sprint, detailing its classification and making the subsequent search even easier. In each field you can specify the available values.

Remember that these fields can be created and configured through the tool available in the Configuration section. For more information see this article.
Once you have completed all the fields, click on the √ SAVE & GO TO EDITOR button to create the new Sprint and start developing its content.